Horse Training Gaining Control and Respect on the Ground

Horse trainer Clinton Anderson works with a group of clinic participants about their horses, teaching them horse training gaining control and respect on the ground and under saddle.

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About Clinton Anderson and Downunder Horsemanship
Clinton Anderson is a clinician, horse trainer and competitor. He’s dedicated his life to helping others realize their horsemanship dreams and keeping them inspired to achieve their goals. The Downunder Horsemanship Method gives horse owners the knowledge needed to become skilled horsemen and train their horses to be consistent and willing partners. Clinton instructs horsemanship clinics, presents Walkabout Tours across the country, produces a television show, hosts an internet TV website and is constantly creating comprehensive study kits and training tools to make learning horsemanship as accessible and easy as possible. Discover for yourself how Clinton and the Method can help you achieve your horsemanship dreams at

Clinton Anderson: Correcting a Horse That Paws While Tied Up – Downunder Horsemanship

Horse trainer Clinton Anderson explains his method for correcting a horse that paws while tied up and how to stop the behavior.

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Master your horsemanship skills by joining the No Worries Club: where Clinton provides thousands of hours of step-by-step videos on how to train your horse.

Stress and Your Horse’s Brain

Emotional Stress Management In Horses

Stress can actually develop in your horse’s body and if left unchecked can lead to chronic problems. I think you will find this very informative article useful if you have a horse who is showing definite signs of stress. This is definitely a condition that needs some understanding of just how your horse uses its brain. Bob gives you some very specific information about that and helps you understand how better to relate to just how your horse thinks. Enjoy the article.

Discipline and Horses – Breaking Spirit vs Teaching Manners

I learned a lot about discipline and horses and breaking spirit vs teaching manners.

This is Tamme in a stable in our yard. He was already broken prior to coming to us and had been doing commercial work, both with his current owner and with his previous owners. Here we explain about his attitude. He turns his quarters towards you on entering the stable. He did this with his owner prior to coming here. In order to catch him she would tempt him to the door with some feed. In our opinion, this horse was not suitable for commercial work due to his behaviour.

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